С Новым Годом на английском поздравления стихами

С Новым годом-2021.jpg

Happy New Year
And be lucky, dear!
Wish you be happy new —
Luck’s waiting for you!

Sad days went by.
Say them “goodbye”.
Fresh breath is the best
To begin a newest test.

Wish you reach a goal,
Take joys from all,
Let your soul be lit —
I frankly wish you it!


New Year comes, we wait for it —
It’s magic everywhere.
And everybody wish repeats:
To have great health and care.

Let all the dreams come true so soon,
Let life be easy, perfect!
And Let the table become full
Of friends and meal, and chocolate.


Let this year brings to you
Many presents, many friends.
And possibilities for you,
Good luck, wealth, happiness, and health.

Let awesome love shines in your heart,
Let it inspires you to achievements.
Wish you a great, successful start
To the best life. Happy New Year!


Beautiful life
May bring magic snowflakes,
Warm in the heart,
And wonderful moments.

Big hugs and good wishes,
Lots of friends and good cheer,
Good luck and large riches.
And happy New Year!


Happy beginnings,
Be brave, never fear.
Let all your ideas
Come true in this year.

Be wealthy and healthy,
And wish you good friends.
Be like you amazing,
Have no regrets.

And let your life give you
Whatever you want.
Happy New Year!
Outstanding results!


I wish you a fresh new start and bright.
Today have an enjoyable New Year’s ride.
I wish prosperity for you and inner peace.
Don’t lose your luck and happiness keys!

I wish your wishes are fulfilled this year,
Treasured moments follow you everywhere,
Beautiful memories always around you flow.
I wish you all the blessings a heart can know!


Wish you new chances,
New sources of gain.
Amazing adventures
And a new great love’s flame.

Wish you God’s blessing,
Wishing new ideas.
Be wealthy and healthy.
Happy New Year!


A new year has begun
January is month number one.
It is the start of a whole new year,
There’s nothing to fear
A new year for trying
not for sighing
What goals can you make,
for your own sake,
For a better you,
for a year that is new!


Goodbye! Goodbye!
A year is done!
We worked! We played!
We learned! We laughed!
We had some fun!
Let’s be happy!
Let’s be safe!
Let’s be kind!
Welcome a new year!
HAPPY 2021!


It’s winter, it’s winter,
Let us skate and ski!
It’s winter, it’s winter,
It’s great fun for me!

С Новым Годом на английском детские стихи


New Year’s Day, a happy day!
We are glad and want to play.
We all dance and sing and say:
“Welcome! Welcome! New Year’s Day!”


A happy New Year for me,
A happy New Year for you,
A happy New Year for everyone!
That’s what I wish – I do!


December is the best of all,
Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.
People see the New Year in,
When December ends, it will begin.


This is the season
When children ski.
And Father Frost brings
The bright New Year Tree.


It is December the thirty-first.
Something is about to burst.
The thirty-first of December is the day
When we have a great holiday.
The New Year usually comes at midnight
And brings us presents
So sweet and bright.


A New Year Greeting just for you
Warm and most sincere:
To wish you every happiness
Throughout the coming year!


Gather all your family and friends,
Dance the night away till it ends.
Let us wait for the ball to drop,
And then for the balloons to pop.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Wish you to enjoy your life,
To get a lot of presents.
True friends for you and love,
The great, amazing present.

Forget about the past,
Be lucky, have no fear —
Catch moments. Have a blast.
Wish you Happy New Year!


Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
Bring you sweet surprises —
A happiness buffet.
Happy New Year to you,
And when the new year’s done,
May the next year be even better,
Full of pleasure, joy and fun.


The snow is falling,
The wind is blowing,
The ground is white
All day and night.

С Рождеством и Новым Годом на английском короткие стихи


I wish you merry Christmas.
Have only smiles and any sadness.
May Christ bless your living start.
Have no regret and no discard.

Take any hardship for granted.
Christmas spirit will blow it.
I put happiness in your stocking.
Have a colorful life without talking!


Christmas day and Christmas night
Give you warmth and hearty light.
Wish all peaceful sky which’s blue,
Let all friends come soon to you.

Let this cold day of December
Make you happy. And remember:
Santa Claus comes at night,
Bringing gifts so nice and bright.


So, my friends, now it is clear:
Christmas is already here!
Let us dance and let us sing —
Holy night will, sure, bring
To us love and only joy.
Guys, relax and let’s enjoy
Holiday that brings us fun.
Let me tell you: everyone
Will be happy. And this year
Will be great. So, buddies, cheer!


If it didn’t bring you joy
just leave it behind
Let’s ring in the New Year
with good things in mind
Let every bad memory
that brought heartache and pain
And let’s turn a new leaf
with the smell of new rain
Let’s forget past mistakes
making amends for this year
Sending you these greetings
to bring you hope and cheer
Happy New Year!


New things to learn,
New friends to meet,
New songs to sing,
New books to read.
New things to see,
New things to hear,
New things to do
In this New Year!


Santa comes on Christmas Eve 
Seeking those who yet believe 
Through a frosty winter night 
In a sleigh with reindeer flight 
Bringing joy to large and small 
Merry Christmas one and all. 


Christmas is a time of joy
A time for love and cheer
A time for making memories
To last throughout the year


A happy New Year! 
The day is so clear,
The snow is so white, 
The sky is so bright, 
We shout with all our might: 
«A happy New Year!» 


God bless the master of this house,
The mistress, also,
And all the little children, 
That round the table go; 
And all your kin and kinsmen 
That dwell both far and near; 
I wish you a Merry Christmas, 
And a Happy New Year. 


Я фея Кукла, 
На елочке. 
Мальчики и девочки подходят и смотрят на меня. 
Посмотри на меня,
посмотри, что я могу сделать. 
Тогда все вы тоже можете это сделать.